Thursday 11 October 2012

Remove The Template View Menu Options When Using Dynamic Views On Blogger


Dynamic Views (DV) templates have become a popular choice with some Blogger users.When you choose dynamic views you select a default template which readers will see when they land on your blog.But in a menu under the header readers have the option to view your blog using any of the other six DV templates.
So basically you are giving the readers the choice on how they want to view your blog.But this does not suit everybody, I have recently received a few emails asking is there a way to remove the choose template options on Dynamic Views.Chuck at The Real Blogger Status has also seen some enquiry's about this in the Blogger Help Forum.So, can you remove the options for readers to choose the template ? Yes, and with credit to Southern Speakers and here is how.

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Remove The Template View Options On Dynamic Views

OK lets try to explain this as easy as possible.First we will add some CSS to remove all the Dynamic Views options then we will leave the views you want.

Lets add the CSS

Step 1. - In Your (New Design) Blogger Dashboard Click The Drop Down Menu For Your Blog > Choose Customize > Advanced > 

Step 2. Copy and Paste the following code into the Css Section then click Apply To Blog., #views ul li:first-child ,, #views ul li:nth-child(2),, #views ul li:nth-child(3),, #views ul li:nth-child(4),, #views ul li:nth-child(5),, #views ul li:nth-child(6),, #views ul li:nth-child(7)
display: none !important;

OK this has removed all choose template options, if that's what you want great your done.If you want to leave some options read on.

Now remove from the CSS the templates you Do Want the users to be able to choose from.So for example if you want readers to be able to choose between Magazine and Snapshot the code will look like this :, #views ul li:first-child ,, #views ul li:nth-child(2),, #views ul li:nth-child(4),, #views ul li:nth-child(5),, #views ul li:nth-child(7)
display: none !important;

 Important - If you look at each of the lines of CSS they end with a comma except the last on.The last option should not end with a comma, so if you removed Timeslide you would also remove the comma after Snapshot and so on as shown below :, #views ul li:first-child ,, #views ul li:nth-child(2),, #views ul li:nth-child(3),, #views ul li:nth-child(4),, #views ul li:nth-child(5),, #views ul li:nth-child(6)
display: none !important;

That's it full credit for this post goes to Southern Speakers.Make sure to check out more of our Blogger Tips and Dynamic Views Template Tips.

Drop Your Comments And Questions Below.

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